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martes, julio 20, 2004

Nuevo Webcast sobre Exchange 2003 SP1. 

TechNet Support WebCast: Mixed-mode site consolidation in Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Service Pack 1

Session Summary

Tuesday, July 20, 2004: 10:00 AM Pacific time (Greenwich mean time - 7 hours)

This Support WebCast session introduces the new mixed-mode cross-site move mailbox functionality that is introduced in Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1). Site consolidation includes cross-site mailbox moves and some other cleanup steps. The session provides a walk-through of the process, and includes an introduction to the updated Exchange Deployment tools. The Support WebCast also reviews a number of caveats to know about after the moves are completed.

This is a Level 200 session that will be presented by Evan Dodds.

Evan Dodds has been supporting Exchange Server at Microsoft for four years and most recently was involved with the Exchange 2003 SP1 project.
Lamento no haber avisado con anterioridad, pero es que yo tampoco he recibido notificación antes ;-).
Espero poder asistir y que nos "veamos" por allí.
Benjamin Mateos


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